We treat all types of dental misalignment with Invisalign or Spark. We have treated over 450 patients with aligners in combination with jaw surgery. Since 2020, we exclusively use aligners for surgery patients and are highly experienced in this type of treatment. Our team collaborates with jaw surgeons from Germany and Norway. We use advanced technology for diagnosis and planning to ensure a perfect aesthetic and functional result.
We only use aligners for treatments. We do not put on braces before surgery at Tannbuen. In some cases, jaw surgery may be necessary before orthodontic treatment. This is called “surgery first” and leads to faster aligner treatment afterward. Anyone can have surgery, our oldest patient was 68 years old. The surgery option will be discussed during a consultation. Helfo covers the entire cost of operations performed in Norway, including travel to and from the hospital. Aligner treatment at our clinic ranges from NOK 29,000 to 57,000. The cost of surgery with Dr. Kater in Germany averages around €16-18,000 (including hospital stay).
Ring og bestill time for vurdering/ Konsultasjon. Vi tar nødvendig dokumentasjon her og Dr. Margaretha gir deg svar på hvordan bittfeil skal behandles, hva slags operasjon (surgery first, surgery early eller surgery late) kan være nødvendig, tid, hvor og når, sykehusopphold, kostnader, risiko. Ved en slik spesialist vurdering overtar Helfo kostnaden